Seth Golbe

Technology & Wearables

Wearables Join Team USA in Rio for the 2016 Olympic Games

The 2016 Olympic games will be the first in a post-wearable world where athletes are utilizing wearables to help improve their training. It provides access to new metrics and the precision that these devices offer that prompted the U.S. Olympic Committee.


Seth Golbe


August 10, 2016

Business of Well-being

New Research Aims to Improve Worksite Wellness Efficiency

University College Cork in Ireland has shed new light on how to increase the effectiveness of worksite wellness programs. Researchers followed up with the subjects in three and four-month intervals to find out how changes in food preparation affect BMI.


Seth Golbe


September 21, 2016

Technology & Wearables

Microchips: The New 'Wearable'?

Recently, the demand for wearables has surged which allow customers to track their exercise and eating habits. No doubt about it that the employees want to be healthy and track their healthy habits in an easy and convenient way.


Seth Golbe


August 30, 2017

Business of Well-being

EEOC Final Rules Clarify Position on Incentives and Data Security

Recently EEOC released a final rule amending regulations and interpretations of implementing title I of the ADA. This new rule allows employers to offer " limited financial and other incentives" if the employee, in turn, answers "disability-related questions."


Seth Golbe


June 1, 2016

Business of Well-being

Defining Corporate Culture to Increase Your Bottom Line

Labels create a sense of order that most people either consciously or unconsciously follow, but not all labels accurately fit. A company that builds loyalty and engagement through employee-centered programs and tools believes that culture is one of the strongest advantages.


Seth Golbe


August 17, 2016