Mental Wellness
Mental Health
Mental & Behavioral Health

The 2022 State of Workforce Mental Health

Employers across the globe now recognize that protecting and supporting the mental health of employees is vital to the future of their business. This newfound awareness comes as the world enters the third year of the pandemic, and little is normal about the way we live and work. In 2021, the disruptions and mental health fallout from COVID-19, economic uncertainty, and social unrest continued, affecting even more of the workforce than in 2020. Meanwhile, more employees dealt with mental health challenges over the past year, from stress and burnout to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use problems. Mental health issues like burnout have contributed to many workers’ decisions to leave their jobs, if not the workforce entirely. “The pandemic has forced people to reflect on what really matters most to them, and if their employer does not support their ability to prioritize other values outside of work, then people may look elsewhere, or they may risk becoming burned out and frustrated,” said Joe Grasso, Lyra Health’s senior director of workforce mental health.


Lyra Health


April 14, 2022

Workplace Stress
Stress & Resilience

Burnout: A Growing Mental Health Crisis Employers Are Regrettably Dismissing.

The onus lies on employers and executives to prioritize mental health wellness in the workplace. It begins from here. Only then will this crisis begin to fizzle out and work cease from being a race against one’s mental wellbeing

Mental Health
Mental & Behavioral Health

Is Kindness the Key to Solving the Mental Health Epidemic?

Around 1 in 5 (21%) adults experienced some form of depression in early 2021 (27 January - 7 March); this is an increase since November 2020 (19%) and more than double that observed before the COVID-19 pandemic (10%). We’re living in the midst of a mental health epidemic, and it’s clearer than ever that amongst boosting the array of professional solutions, kindness could be the secret to improving well-being. Showing love isn’t just reserved for your partner or Valentine’s Day; it can be extended to colleagues, friends, even strangers. Simply being kind to someone can make a massive difference in their outlook and general mood, and your own. How can kindness as a practice be used as a tool within psychotherapy, and what are the advantages?


Latus Health


February 28, 2022

Mental Wellness
Mental & Behavioral Health

Mental Health Strategies Every Business Should Consider for Employees Returning to Work

As we ease further into our new, pandemic-altered reality, many businesses are beginning to recognize the need to focus on employee wellness


Gracie Sanders


July 9, 2021

Mental Wellness

Mental Health and Wellbeing Now Top Priority to Employers, New Survey Finds

A new survey has found that there might be a major paradigm shift in the world of employee wellness and wealth as findings suggest that U.S. employers are now placing more priority on employee mental health and emotional wellbeing. 

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